Create a Company in Spain, Mexico and Colombia

Table of Content
1. Licenses and Permits to Create a Company in Spain
2. How to Create a Company in Mexico
3. Commercial Registration in Colombia

1. Licenses and Permits to Create a Company in Spain

Create a Company: Starting a business in Spain involves various licenses and permits to ensure legal compliance. Understanding the necessary steps is crucial, especially for foreigners establishing a company in the country.

Work Permit for (Create a Company)

If your business premises require renovations, obtaining a building permit from the relevant Town Hall is the initial step.

Opening License

After completing renovations, establishments open to the public must secure an opening license. This is a personal grant to the business owner and is mandatory even if the premises were previously used for a different activity.

  • Exemption: Professional, artistic, or artisanal activities conducted at home may be exempt if they don’t inconvenience neighbors or involve direct sales to the public.

Express Authorization from the Neighborhood Community

For businesses engaging in activities considered a nuisance, approval from the community of neighbors is necessary, especially if the premises are part of a communal property.

Opening Authorization by the Autonomous Community

Activities with potential health or safety impacts may require an opening authorization from the Autonomous Community where the business operates. This ensures compliance with quality standards.

Employer Number and Opening Communication

For companies with employees, obtaining an employer’s number from the Social Security is essential. Opening communication with the competent Labor Authority must be done within 30 days of business commencement.

Occupational Risk Prevention Plan

Businesses with employees must prepare an Occupational Risk Prevention plan to avoid sanctions. Specialized companies can assist in creating this plan.

Streamlining Procedures

Efforts are underway to simplify the creation of companies. Initiatives like the Single Window aim to facilitate entrepreneurs in establishing their businesses seamlessly.

Consideration for Specific Permits

When seeking permits and licenses, the nature of the business significantly influences requirements. Different activities demand specific licenses, and consulting the local City Hall is advisable for precise information.

Establishing a company in Spain involves navigating through various permits and licenses. The ongoing efforts to simplify procedures, coupled with compliance with specific regulations, contribute to a smoother business creation process.

2. How to Create a Company in Mexico

Entrepreneurs in Mexico must follow specific steps to establish a company. From proposing corporate names to obtaining the Tax Identification Number, each phase is crucial in the business creation process.

Application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Submitting an application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for corporate name approval is the initial step. Proposing five names in order of preference helps avoid conflicts with existing company names.

Creation and Protocolization of the Constitutive Act

Once the corporate name is approved, the Articles of Incorporation must be created. These articles, outlining essential aspects of the company, are then formalized before a Notary Public or Broker.

Registration with the Tax Administration Service

The next step involves registering with the Tax Administration Service to obtain the Tax Identification Number, including the Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) number.

Registration in the Public Registry of Property and Commerce

Appearance before the Public Registry of Property and Commerce is necessary to register the company, its real estate, purposes, objectives, and commercial goals. This requires presenting the Articles of Incorporation, RFC, and power of attorney.

Registration with the Mexican Social Security Institute

Companies, even those with a single employer, must register with the Mexican Social Security Institute. This ensures the employer’s contributions to Social Security accounts and prevents potential fines.

Registration with Other Required Organizations

Depending on the business type, registration with different organizations is required. Common ones include the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property.

Sequential Execution of Steps

Following the steps in the correct order is crucial for a smooth process. Overlooking organizations or steps may lead to fines or closures in the future.

Establishing a company in Mexico involves a series of well-defined steps, from proposing corporate names to registering with various government bodies. Sequential execution and compliance are essential for a successful business establishment.

3. Commercial Registration in Colombia

Commercial registration in Colombia is a crucial means of identifying businesses and individuals involved in commercial activities. Understanding the steps for initial registration and the annual renewal process is vital.

Initial Registration Steps

Newly established companies, whether by public deed or private document, must register with the Chamber of Commerce in the location where the company’s registered office is situated.

  1. Submission of Incorporation Document: Provide a copy of the incorporation document.
  2. Obtain Single Business Registration Form (RUES): Fill out the form properly.
  3. Registration in the Single Tax Registry (RUT): Complete this process on the website of the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN).
  4. Payment of Registration Fees: Pay fees for the public deed or private document and the company’s commercial registration. Additionally, pay the registration tax for all registered acts, documents, and contracts.

Renewal of Commercial Registration

Renewal is mandatory for both individuals and companies. The process should be completed before March 31 annually, using the Single Business and Social Registry (RUES) form. Renewal fees must also be paid.

Benefits of Renewal

Renewing commercial registration provides various benefits, including easier access to credit, membership in Colombia’s largest business database, and eligibility for contracts with the State.

Commercial registration in Colombia is essential for establishing and maintaining a business. Following the proper registration steps and annual renewal is crucial for legal compliance and enjoying associated benefits.


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